Friday, March 13, 2015

A Photo Week...

I tend to do things in seasons: quilt a lot, then rest, write a lot, then rest, photograph a lot, then rest, so that when I'm not quilting, I'm photographing, or when I'm writing, I'm not photographing, though this isn't always the case. Frequently, however, it is. That doesn't mean I don't photograph when I'm quilting or write when I'm photographing, but one tends to take more focus than all three at once.

I used to get on my case about not doing all three, or about not doing one particular thing when I wanted to, rather than what I was doing at the time. I'm learning to ride my waves better, hopefully, though it's still a process.

So, this week I did quilt some (won't show you photos yet!!!), I wrote some, but I also photographed.

Here are a few photos from this week.

First up: it's becoming Spring here in Mississippi, and that means time to plant flowers! Mom bought some from Dollar Tree the other day, and they needed to be soaked before planted, so they're here. I particularly appreciated the reflection of the trees outside in the unyet-formed flowers soaking in the bowl, also particularly ironic considering all the rain we've had this week.

I love how vagrant I look in this photo. Reminds me of photos of Walt Whitman looking starry-eyed. My hair is a hot mess and I'm tired, but I still dig it. I've been growing my hair for this movie I'm hoping to get in, but I'm enjoying how much grey I'm getting in my beard and along my temples. :)

I dig how, in this next photo, the pears face each other, but also the symmetry and suggestion of the parallel trees in the background. Are the pears longing for outside? Have they been plucked from the trees in the back? Are they fallen?

What's better than kitty photos? Photos of your own kitties: here, Sandstorm (looking at us) and Meeka (checking out her brother) lay on the floor, because it's cool and they're not quite sure what to do about this heat yet. Boy, wait until August!

Had lunch with my good friend, Sonja, and enjoyed the light seemingly emanating from this glass. Illustrative of some of our conversation.

That's it, folks!

Have a good week.

Much hugs,

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Little Tardy! :(

Hey Ladies and Gents,

Sorry I'm a day late, but I'm not, NOT, a dollar short.

But, as promised: I've got goodies for you.

Up first, is a pair of blocks created for Thomas Knauer. He asked for makers to create a block using his pattern and fabric choices, and, I jacked up the first block (made it completely opposite of the way it's supposed to be). They're 20" x 20" finished, of cotton solids, which I don't usually work in. It's a visual representation of a coded letter U. I don't know which letter the wrong version is. The top block is incorrect, the bottom one is correct. :)

Next up, I've been working on creating backs for the tops I've been making, but I decided to go ahead and make the backs as tops, so the quilts can be reversed each month (just think: two quilts in one). Soooooo, this is the back for "Self as Peach, Sliced":

It's in the vein of seam-showing minimalism, as are the other two.

 Next is the back of "Self as Strawberry":

Finally, I was getting bored with the straight vertical stripe thingy, so here is the back of "Primrose Party":

Next, I was taking the trash out one day and saw these photos by the dumpster and when I got back home, thought, "Hmmm, that'd make a really cool photo," but I was also bummed that someone wanted to throw away those memories. I figure somebody passed away and whomever cleaned up didn't want to keep the photos around (lots of images of an elderly lady and gentleman); so, not only am I preserving (maybe stealing) someone's memories, I'm making something new out of them. I also appreciate how they're soiled, suggesting our own mortality (we're all dirt), the whole dust to dust thing.

Here are a few:

Finally, here are a couple haiku/senryu from the week:

crying at the window    with the cat      opening gladiolas

Sunday sunset
empty church parking lot
caw caw caw

Enjoy creating!

For now,