Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Little Tardy! :(

Hey Ladies and Gents,

Sorry I'm a day late, but I'm not, NOT, a dollar short.

But, as promised: I've got goodies for you.

Up first, is a pair of blocks created for Thomas Knauer. He asked for makers to create a block using his pattern and fabric choices, and, I jacked up the first block (made it completely opposite of the way it's supposed to be). They're 20" x 20" finished, of cotton solids, which I don't usually work in. It's a visual representation of a coded letter U. I don't know which letter the wrong version is. The top block is incorrect, the bottom one is correct. :)

Next up, I've been working on creating backs for the tops I've been making, but I decided to go ahead and make the backs as tops, so the quilts can be reversed each month (just think: two quilts in one). Soooooo, this is the back for "Self as Peach, Sliced":

It's in the vein of seam-showing minimalism, as are the other two.

 Next is the back of "Self as Strawberry":

Finally, I was getting bored with the straight vertical stripe thingy, so here is the back of "Primrose Party":

Next, I was taking the trash out one day and saw these photos by the dumpster and when I got back home, thought, "Hmmm, that'd make a really cool photo," but I was also bummed that someone wanted to throw away those memories. I figure somebody passed away and whomever cleaned up didn't want to keep the photos around (lots of images of an elderly lady and gentleman); so, not only am I preserving (maybe stealing) someone's memories, I'm making something new out of them. I also appreciate how they're soiled, suggesting our own mortality (we're all dirt), the whole dust to dust thing.

Here are a few:

Finally, here are a couple haiku/senryu from the week:

crying at the window    with the cat      opening gladiolas

Sunday sunset
empty church parking lot
caw caw caw

Enjoy creating!

For now,

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