Saturday, February 14, 2015

Merry Day of Love?

Here's the newest in the "Self as..." Family: a peach, sliced!

 It's 23" x 28" finished, roughly, and that's the shirt I got for our guild's last quilt show. Check out the peach close-up:

And, below are the banana and strawberry, framed:

Also, I framed the single primrose block, and think I've decided to call the whole thing, "Primrose Party." It finished at around 27" x 27". Now, I've got to quilt and bind it, though I already know the binding fabric I'm going to use.

What do you think of the primrose block (too wild?) and of the framed fruits?

1 comment:

Watercolor Woman said...

I'm loving the Framed Fruits! They are fun and complex - just like you. The pieces have a surreal Magritte feel to them. The shirts are like snapshots that remind me of you and the places that we have been. The fruit is packed with symbolism I'm sure, but they also remind me of subject matter that you have explored in past works of photography. I feel like you are bringing it all together (writing, photography, and quilting) in these pieces.